EAGE Local Chapter Czech Republic

13th May 2024 - 17 PM (CEST) Energy Storage: Austrian Development of an integrated subsurface hydrogen storage system from lab to field pilot Dr. Marcus Pichler The lecture will be at Seismik (Kubišova 1265/8, Prague 8). In the light of a changing energy system that does already and will in the future contain even more renewable energy sources a subsurface gas storage facility seems to be a bit out of place. Therefore, RAG Austria AG already decided early on in 2013 to find ways how its assets could be of use in this renewable energy future. With the power to gas technology electricity can be converted into hydrogen which, could then possibly be stored in depleted gas reservoirs.
3rd April 2024 - 19 PM (CEST) The viewing of Prague's underground Dr. Leo Eisner This will be a trip to north Prague old mines (sand and coal). You need two flashlight, possibly head helmet, hiking boots and dress to get dirty. We shall have a dinner arranged. meeting point: Nad Hutěmi street.
24th January 2024 - 18 PM (CET) Identifying top bedrock and geotechnical zonation for cable route surveys: a case study from Eastern Link 1 Marine Survey Susan Rice Susan Rice: Principal Geophysicist with Fugro in Aberdeen.
24th January 2024 - 19 PM (CET) The role of Geoscientists for the public good Michiel van der Meulen Discussing the changing role of geoscience in the public sector with examples from the Geological Survey of the Netherlands. Michiel J. van der Meulen, PhD, EurGeol, studied geology at Utrecht University. After receiving his doctorate in 1999, he started working on mineral resources and supplies at Rijkswaterstaat (directorate-general of Public Works and Water Management). In 2003, Michiel joined the Geological Survey of the Netherlands, part of TNO.
8th December 2023 - 1 PM (CET) Award ceremony for Vlastislav Červený Student Prize 2023 Dr. Leo Eisner Our Local Chapter invites you for the final award ceremony of the Vlastislav Červený Student Prize to meeting room "Bedřich Smetana" in congress center Innogy, address: Limuzská 3135/12, Praha 10. Entrance through reception and it is possible to use parking. The ceremony will include awarding of the winners and their short presentations.
3rd October 2023 - 5 PM (CEST) Expedition vulcano Litli-Hrútur 2023 Jeroným Lešner Mr. Lešner gave us an interesting lecture on vulcano Litli-Hrútur. He had made several expeditions in time of eruptions (2020 - 2023). He shared with us tips for observing active vulcanos on Iceland, we could see and touch rare samples of various forms of lava like Pele's tears and Pele's hairs and see his rich field trip inventory.
20th June 2023 - 1 PM (CEST) - online Low Frequency Seismic Acquisition on Land Dr. Bart Duijnham Dr. Duijnham's presentation was focused on the comparison of geophones and MEMS sensors – dynamic range and sensitivity, a scaling law for explosions and seismic energy, and discussing applications for maximizing the low frequency content useful for FWI onshore.
22nd May 2023 - 1 PM (CEST) - online Seismic Interpretation of vintage seismic data with implications for CCS site characterisation Dr. Ryan Williams Usage of Artificial inteligence as a tool to speed up and sharp up analysis of reflex seismic datasets with examples of CCS Storage sites in North sea, 4D seismic included.
27th February 2023 Making the invisible visible - 4D geoelectrics for imaging groundwater driven processes Dr. Sebastian Uhlemann Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, Research Scientist Understanding the hydrogeological underground processes via 4D non-destructive geophysical monitoring tools. Concepts, developments, case- studies.
23rd May 2022 Seismic imaging in the hardrock environment Dr. Brij Singh (Institute of Geophysics (Polish Academy of Sciences)) Emerging state-of-the-art techniques like Full-waveform inversion, Fresnel Volume Migration, Coherency migration etc. which they currently trying to apply for mineral exploration.
26th April 2022 Are airbursts real? Examples from Jordan, Syria, and Czech doc. RNDr. Gunther Kletetschka, Ph.D., Charles University in Prague,Bart Duijnham Dept Hydrog., Eng. Geology, A. Geophysics, Research Scientist. Guest Researcher at LBNL (Lawrence Berkeley) Tunguska Russia, Tall el Hammam Jordan, Abu Hureira Syria; were destroyed by airburst in theirs past history. This can be resolved from proxies left by destruction.
28th March 2022 The changing Arctic climate: The role of geophysics for measuring lakes in permafrost regions Dr. Andrew Parsekian, Associate Professor, Department of Geology and Geophysics, University of Wyoming Explaining the role of modern geophysics in solving issues of current world. Insight look at the hydrogeophysics and environmental problems.
21th February 2022 Can the Hranice Abyss, the deepest underwater cave in the world, really reach 1 km depth Mgr. Petr Tábořík, PhD. (ÚHIGUG PřF UK) Numerous geophysical measurements were acquired and their constrain on the shape of the deep cave was discussed, e.g. gravity, resistivity, gravity, seismic, etc.
27th October 2021 Automating subsurface model building using deep learning Dr. Aria Abubakar (Head of Data Science and Advisor for Digital Solutions, Schlumberger) Variety of highly successful geoscience applications that leverage AI/ML algorithms to improve efficiency, accuracy, and to automate workflows, and to explore a new way of extracting values from geoscience data. Specifically, we will focus on the automated evergreen subsurface model building workflow utilizing seismic, wellbore and other geophysical data for deriving 3D subsurface models.
25th October 2021 Seismic imaging in hardrock environment: challenges and a road ahead Dr Michal Malinowski, Geological Survey of Finland (GTK) / Institute of Geophysics PAS. Seismic methods are more and more often used for exploration in crystalline rocks (so called hardrock environment). However, standard seismic processing and imaging techniques are often not able to properly handle the challenges imposed by the hardrock environment, e.g. strong velocity contrasts in the shallow overburden, strong wavefield scattering or steeply dipping structures. Despite problems related to building a reliable velocity model based on sparse reflections, recent examples suggest significant uplift in imaging by using pre-stack depth migration.
14th October 2021 Carbon Capture and Storage in Norway- a geomechanics perspective Dr. Bahman Bohloli and Dr. Elin Skurtveit (Norwegian Geotechnical Institute). Elin Skurtveit will give a short overview of the Longship project (capture, transport and storage of CO2) and some highlights from research NGI has been doing for CCS projects. Bahman Bohloli will present geomechanical aspects, microseismicity, fluid flow and ground deformation due to fluid injection into the subsurface and will elaborate on these themes using case studies from In Salah CO2 storage site and Longyearbyen CO2 storage pilot-Arctic Norway.
10th September 2021 Úložiště radioaktivního odpadu ve východní části českého masivu prof. Jaromír Leichman, the dean of Masaryk University in Brno Storage of radioactive waste in eastern part of the Czech Massive
11th May 2021 Monitoring CO2 Injection at the Decatur Sequestration Site in the Illinois Basin, USA. Sherilyn Williams-Stroud, PhD. This will talk on one of the largest co2 project in the world, induced seismicity and near surface measurements
25th February 2021 Exploration discoveries and future trends Dr. Andrew Latham Andrew Latham is working at Wood Mackenzie exploration research, so this might be more of the business oriented talk, unusual perspective.